
Is There Lint in Space?

It may be my small non-High Definition Television screen, but is there no lint ever on Darth Vader’s cape? How is that possible?

Some theories amongst me and some friends (alright, just me. And Trish.) have arisen.

Why there is no lint on Darth Vader’s Cape:

  • The Force
  • When he boards a different space ship (like when his shuttle goes to the big pizza shaped spaceship) he lets his cape flow out of the airlock and vacuum all the fuzzies off of it
  • He has the uncanny skill of using his lightsaber to nick the lint off. That’s a Master right there.

Random Thoughts:

  • By far, the best gift I received last year was something that just kept going all year long. My Star Wars trivia calendar given to me by my loving parents. Benoit, Claude and I have made a trivia challenge every month where we accumulate points depending on who gets the most answers right. So far, I’m doing pretty good…I think I’ve won two months so that’s some sweet cash coming to me.
  • I went to Costco last night in search of the new Star Wars Chronicles: The Prequels book which I heard was there. Turns out…it’s not the biggest deal in the world. ESPECIALLY for $120. That’s right…it’s an encyclopedia of knowledge on the Prequels and it’s well over $100. Is it worth it? I think I shall look for it used in a few years time.
  • I still have to buy a slew of gifts, but no real time to do it. Actually, it’s not time that is the issue…it’s the fact that I can’t think of things to buy people. That’s pretty sad. Something tells me that Nanny won’t be seeing her gift until after Christmas which is sad. Perhaps it will get there in time if I ship it tonight.

6 replies on “Is There Lint in Space?”

Well known fact: when one uses a lightsaber, the magnetic field the blade creates attracts lint to it, hence keeping all jedi lint free.

Man guys, you have to admit it is pretty sad when it comes to the point that you’re trying to find out why a SW “bonhomme” has no lint on he’s shirt…

Come on, he just uses a lint brush! Like everybody else! ;-P

Well, I want to know what kind of lint brush he uses then because my black clothes never come out that lint free! I vote for the vacuum theory! :o)

I have to agree with Véro! Classic V, I think I will call them “SW bonhomme” from now on too! Your so cute! Trish, I use the industrial strength lint brush and mine comes off! I will have to show you sometime!

I thought lint blocked the force, and all the jedi masters took all the lint and made a forbidden lint planet.

Véro, they’re not SW bohnommes.. although I am impressed by your usage of “SW” in your comment. You’re not a lost cause yet.

Maybe the wookies (do you know what that is Véro?) are the ones who attract all the lint from everyone’s clothes in the Galaxy… hence the line in the movie: “Laugh it up, Fuzz-ball”.

Just a thought!

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