
Memory: Trap-Jaw

I was in class yesterday daydreaming…uhh, I mean taking down some notes and a memory popped into my head.

The memory of my Trap-Jaw He-Man action figure.

Let’s talk about memories for a moment…what the heck causes me to remember something like that? I think that s0mehow our brain is in constant scan mode (like a computer’s hard drive) just to make sure everything is in check and then subconsciously we check on how the scan is going and see what memory it’s analyzing at the time.

I like to document these memories as years from now when I can’t remember anything, at least I can come back and read my blog.

When Dad started working he used to have to go on courses down in Orangeville for awhile…I can’t remember the length of time…I would assume a week’s length.

I remember that one time he brought me back a gift…Trap-Jaw! Awesome! I can’t remember if that was my first He-Man figure, or one of many (oh, I had many! Hey, now I’m even remembering how Dad was building me Snake Mountain on Christmas Day. Snake Mountain was the cool fortress with this micro…scrach that, ECHOphone where you could speak into it and it would sound all ominous), but I remember him bringing it back and thinking he was the coolest. Let’s be honest – the way to a kids heart is buying the kid a gift. I also remember wondering if I would get a gift everytime he went away but for the life of me, I can’t remember if I did. Wait a second…I’m pretty sure I got a fishing rod one time when he came back and was disappointed since I wanted another He-Man action figure.

Ahh…kids. You know, that’s the thing about them. They only appreciate things they really want. The stuff they get that’s a surprise, they don’t see the joy in that. They’re saying “Where the heck is my He-Man action figure?!” Ha ha!

I’m sure one day when I have kids it will open up a new chapter in life with my parents where I’ll be asking them stuff about how to take care of the kid, and should I buy them gifts when I come back home from a trip or am I spoiling them, yada yada yada…being a parent must be insanely crazy. You don’t want the kid to grow up in a bad way, so the only thing you can do is learn from your parents experience. For example, I consider myself a good guy (thank you, thank you. I’m very modest you see) so I’m probably going to look upon what my parents did with me while growing up and apply it to my own children.

Heck, for all I know, they didn’t have a clue on how to raise a kid (what new parent does?) and all I was in an experiment.

Anyhow, I know my parents check out this blog every day now so this post is for you. Thanks for bringing me up (and thanks for that Trap-Jaw action figure Dad!)

Now if only my mom didn’t throw out those Thundercats action figures that have grown to be a hot commodity in this world. πŸ˜‰

8 replies on “Memory: Trap-Jaw”

Snake Mountain! Awesome! I remember that. My He-Man stuff is still in my parents’ garage somewhere. I never had Trap-Jaw but I had a bunch of other ones.

These memory postings are a great idea Ryan. It’s been good reading your blog and catching up. We’ll have to grab a brew sometime.

So the memory thing is a good idea and all … but all the raising a kid questions??? Are you subconciously telling us you want to have kids??

He is consciously thinking about what kinds of toys to get his kids so they will not be disapointed.

WHAT? Vero is pregnant? I get it now! A few blogs back you were talking about getting engaged… now you’re talking about getting kids! I get it! ;P

Great walk down memory lane, Ryan.

Great story Ry! THUNDER THUNDER THUNDER CATS! I loved that show! Man, the memmories! My bro and me sitting in front of the tube early morning Sat(before my beloved sleep in days) watching all the classics! Even the week day! I think it was G.I.Joe (PORKCHOPS SANDWICHES) , Thundercats, transformers (more than meets the eye).

Right,,,,um. Gee, never know what to say Ryan when you post blogs like this… lol

That’s cool that you thank your parents on the way they raised you (I like it too πŸ˜‰

I really think we should tell our parents these things more often.

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