
My Love of Hot Apple Cider

What do I cherish more than life itself?

A hot apple cider…man, I’m addicted. I have been known to have one (or sometimes two) a day. I pride myself on the fact that I don’t have any common vices such as coffee or chocolate, but heck, when the cold weather hits, why not warm your insides with some hot goodness?

What are your cold weather delights? I know Duncan likes to pick up quarts of eggnog every time he gets the chance, as they are only offered during the holiday season.

Other cold weather delights:

  • sitting next to the Christmas tree reading a book. Ahhh, the smell. Boo to the fake Christmas trees. They smell like metal.
  • having a nice glass of rye after a big meal

I think I shall also have hot apple cider on hand at the Christmas bash this year. Not sure how to go about this…I’m assuming a huge pot with some apple cider should do the trick.

9 replies on “My Love of Hot Apple Cider”

Uhm, it might seem weird to you but I think I never had Apple Cider like your talking about…

Any alcohol in that? (lame question I guess uh?)

Ha! But that might just awswer my question right there. It would explain the fact that I havn’t tried it.

Nah…apple cider is apple cider! Hot apple cider is the stuff dreams are made of.

From wikipedia (my fave source):
Cider (also spelled: cyder) refers to a beverage containing the juice of apples. In Europe, the term refers to fermented apple juice, but in the North America cider is normally unfermented

I think I’d like to meet Véro, seems like there are a few things never have heard of (U2 song) or tried…never tried apple cider either…although my neighbour just gave me a bunch to try…we shall see if I like it or not….

I believe they are cloves added for extra zing. They are not for digesting tho, so be careful!

Just think: all the emergency room at the civic hospital needs is another clove-related choking.

To heat cider at a party, see if anyone you know (think girls, most likely) has a crockpot you can borrow – one of the larger ones.

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