
New Bond Sucks

Boy, Daniel Craig looks like a sad, sad man who is supposed to fill in James Bond’s shoes.

May I go out on a limb and say that the new Bond film will suck as much as when Timothy Dalton came in and make Bond all ‘rogue’?

Come on. No gadgets, no Q (or R…)…back to the basics Bond.

You know what? Prequels are cool and all, but not when it involves Bond being nothing like we are used to.

I read Casino Royale and it turned me off of Bond actually because it was nothing like the Bond we know and love. Supposedly he becomes this man appears AFTER Casino Royale.

No Welcomes to you Mr. Bond.

3 replies on “New Bond Sucks”

Man that is the most horrid looking Bond out of the whole lot!

Are they going to take away the famous Bond charm as well?

who is going to be the bond girl? I heard that maybe charlize theron would be but she turned it down prob cos she new it would suck!

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