

Contractor guy comes to me the first week I move in and says “Hey, I’m building the mini-mall in the back of you and need to use some electricity to recharge the batteries in my scissor-lifts”. Being a good samaritan I say ‘No Problem’ and he says he’ll give me $10/day.

I’m thinking that is a good deal. I swear most of the people who talked to me was saying “Oh my God Ryan, you’re going to get screwed when you get your bill! You don’t know how much electricity he’s using!”

They have a point, but I’m thinking there’s no way that he’ll go above $10/day. I mean…electricity bills are under $150 for 2 months usually (at least they are for me).

Got a cool $100 from the guy a few weeks ago.
Got my bill yesterday.
My electricity bill came out to $70 for the last two months.

Booya. I just got someone to pay for my bill plus have enough to buy a case of beer.

Lesson Learned: Don’t think everyone in the world is out to scam you. Sometimes you get rewarded for helping others.

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