
Purchasing Used Albums = Taking Away From the Artist?

Anyone who knows me knows that I’m not really into the whole downloading of music illegally.

Of course, I do it from time to time…I won’t lie. But I will say that I probably download 5% of the music I have obtained in a year and the rest I purchase, to support the artist of course.

But what happens when I stumble upon a used CD store and pick up a few discs? Am I supporting the artist then?

I guess not. They’ve made their cash off of the sale at a major retailer. Someone has already paid their dues to the artist and now I am paying my dues to the used album dealer.

Should I feel bad about this? If I really feel strongly about the artist, but buy used CDs, why don’t I just go ahead and download the albums that I see in the used store? Like a bunch of Beatles albums…I haven’t bought a new one yet. I only scour used CD stores for them…so essentially I’m waiting to get a used album when I can just download it.

At the very least, I can attribute the hunt to it.

5 replies on “Purchasing Used Albums = Taking Away From the Artist?”

What about this one then:

the fact that one borrows from the library takes away from the author??

You might want to delay your guilt trip. 🙂

I’m getting ready to sell off a few hundred CDs now that they are on my computer and iPod…

Comparing it to downloading music is very true. While it is completely legal in Canada (Thanks to the recordable media levy we’ve all been paying), you can question the ‘morality’ of it.

Interesting topic, it would be cool to ask the RIAA what they think :P.

The artist was paid for that CD. Do you want to pay them again?

I show my support by going to the concerts!

Artoo I don’t think you should get ride of your cd collection…

Think about how much fun you had going through your parents record collection when you were a kid and when you would come home from school one day all pumped about the newest release of your favorit band only to learn from mom or dad that it was originally from the 60’s/70’s then get the listen to the original song on recond…

That’s one thing about having two older siblings… I would just borrow *cough* steal *caugh* their cd’s or download my newest favorit song off the net… I have no cd’s to share with my kids… just a bunch of mp3 cd’s… My kids will miss out on the thrill of discovering my music in it’s original format… Mind you by the time i get arround to having kids, cd’s, heck even computers will probably be obsolete there wil be flying cars and robot servants… but that is a hole different discussion…

In conclusion… Keep your cd collection.

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