
Random Tidbits

  • I am digging the Earth right now. Why Earth? Because at 7:00 at night when I exited my class last night, I could still see some sunlight on the horizon. That’s mint baby. That puts tingles into people’s bodies and the thoughts of ladies in their bikinis.
  • Test went decent last night. Harder than the first. But fair questions.
  • Today marks the day that Apple will make some new product annoucements. Hopefully it doesn’t end up being the day the iBooks are released or else I’ll be calling up my sister to pick me up one. Turns out that she can get 18% off any Apple product through work. Where was she when I was buying my iPod?
  • Mutual Funds are taking over my life right now. Instead of getting into the nitty gritty details, I think I’ll follow my wingman’s advice and start with ING Direct Mutual Funds. They don’t charge you anything and it’s not like I’m going to start with $10,000. More like $10. If anyone has some sage advice on mutual funds, drop me a line! I can’t say I know much, but would like to know more.
  • Google has released a payment system via their DBase..aka, the Ebay killer. I predict in a few months we’ll be hearing a lot more about
  • This morning the clock was set for 6:10 but my body is wonky so it kept waking up every hour. Probably thought that the alarm wouldn’t go off. Curse you body! Why does that happen all the time? Same goes for if you have something important (like the first day of work)…you just can’t get to sleep.

12 replies on “Random Tidbits”

A guy at work is a financial guru he gave me this site, , which compares mutual funds and give tips and hints.

Go risky when young then something like a blue chip investment later on. I would first set a goal as to what you want to get when you retire. This will give you an Ideal as to how much to put away. Our Gov pension is very good and any RRSP will be the frosting on the cake. I am doing it because if I put in 35 years I’ll be 67. so if I invest heavy and put in 30 years I’ll have the option of leaving at 62 or earlier. If I still love my job then it will all be gravy! I go with Manual life financial for my RRSPs

A good mix will be Energy ( we need gas) Banks ( pesky service charges) tech (will bounce back) and resouces (for manufactured goods), The sweet part of this if one sector slumps the others will do well. Remember you have to be in it for the long haul! Don’t get sucked into the 30% return 8-15% on average is great!

Dude, this is awesome advice!

Clearly this is the reason why people have friends. Because one person alone cannot know everything.

oh yes, Stick with one RRSP don’t get a bunch of them with different fims. It will be easier to track and compound faster if it is one one protfolio

I’ll try getting the information on my lunch break and it is UP TO 18%, so I’ll check, but the iBook was listed in there.

Well… no new iBook! (yet)

I’d bet just in time for the back to school at MacWorld in the summer.

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