
Rant du Hallowe’en

I have heard from various people that they did not hand out candy this year to the little ones. Let’s list a few valid reasons for choosing not to do so:

  • You have a kid that you have to bring around the block. Totally understandable. You can’t be in two places at once. They need protection, plus you have to swindle a few extra treats out of the Scrooges.
  • Your dog has just died. Totally understandable.
  • You live in an apartment building. Totally understandable. It’s not like you’re going to camp out in the lobby and give out candy to the kids. But if you choose to do that, bravo! You’re a star!
  • You’re living day-to-day on funds. Totally understandable.
  • Your religion forbids it. Totally understandable. Don’t even try to pawn off one of those ‘personal religions’ in your defense.

Now for those of you rotten no-good adults who have chosen not to give out candy because:

  • You didn’t want to be bothered.
  • You feel there’s enough houses on the block that you don’t need to be one. The kids will get their own candy.
  • You’re cheap.
  • Some other lame reason that I haven’t thought about here.

Here’s my message to you Scrooges. Yeah, I know, Palmer shouldn’t have an opinion and he should remain politically correct. Well not today.

If you choose to not give out candy, you should be ashamed. We ALL know that we have all enjoyed a good Trick-or-treating event when we were younger (unless religion prevented it…are there any that boycott Hallowe’en? Perhaps the Jehovah’s Witnesses.) and that you should pay your dues. It’s your duty as an adult who lives in their own domain. Now, for those who still live with their parents, heck, let your parents hand out the candy. It ain’t your house.

Honestly, you are the lowest of the low, the scum of the Earth for not handing out candy. I think that if you decide not to hand out candy just because you can’t be bothered, then your children should pay the price and when every other kid on the block is getting some candy, you will have to explain to your kids that they cannot because you are a Scrooge. Or, at least, you were a Scrooge ONCE in your life because after you read Palmer’s Rant you realized that you will never make this mistake again and will hand out candy. In that case, everyone can make a mistake ONCE, and their children shouldn’t have to pay for your crimes. But if you so much as do this mistake TWICE, your child is getting worms to chew on at Hallowe’en.

This goes out to those who decided not to give out candy for lame-ass reasons. I know you’re out there because you’ve told me in person. I hope the look on my face at the time haunts you.

If any of you has a lame-ass reason that wasn’t listed here and you wish to ask me if it’s a good enough reason not to hand out candy, please feel free to send it to me and I will be judge as to whether or not you should be shamed or not.

9 replies on “Rant du Hallowe’en”

The really lame ones are the ones that have little children of their own and they go from door to door and get candy, so why can’t they do the same to the other neighborhood children.?
I have no lame excuses because I personally like Halloween and seeing all the neat costumes.

Well not that I need to explain the reason why I didn’t give out candy: But I will….

My Main Reason for not handing out treats:
My dog freaks out and pees on very thing in site (usually my furniture) because these strange creatures are knocking on the door and screaming trick or treat. Believe me at my last place I attempted to give out candy and lets just say I was up all night cleaning pee. So I made a promise not to put my dog through that again.
NOTE: Abby is afraid of her own shadow so…. thunderstorms, firealarms etc… pretty much anything.

2nd reason:
I am in an apartment so I would have to camp outside to hand out treats. And still have to listen to my dog freak out(and pee) upstairs.

3rd reason: We don’t really get any kids in our neighbourhood cause there are pretty much all apartment buildings on our street so we figure the kids go to the neighbourhoods where the good halloween candy is.

So cheap has nothing to do with my reasons.
I am sure once I move into a house I will take great pleasure in giving out Halloween Candy to all the kids as I used to enjoy doing at my parents!

The Grand Palmer has determined Holly’s excuse to be…


But only because she lives in an apartment.

The peeing dog story tugged at my heart strings but we all know a dog dressed up like a devil and tied to a tree would scare the living daylights out of kids. Plus, coupled with the fact that the dog would pee on the kids just makes for an all around scary experience that the kids would enjoy. 😉

It is interesting to note that Holly has mentioned that when she moves to a house, she will hand out candy. Will her dog be there with her? If so, then clearly, the peeing dog story really isn’t a reason because the dog would pee just as much in a house, as it would an apartment on the third floor.

Bravo, you are not one of the lame ones. Take pride in the fact that you have a good Hallowe’en heart but circumstances (such as the apartment) hindered the candy giving task.

I gave out candy this year but I’m reluctant to give out candy next year because of the bratty teenagers who stole from me and disrespected my property. It’s unfortunate and maybe even unfair that one set of kids ruins it for the rest but I’m the one who has to absorb the cost (and expended time) for their inconsiderate actions – I would not say this is being cheap but rather avoiding unnecessary expenses. Next year, the teenagers’ actions may or may not escalate but why should I take that chance?

Read post here:

Plus, having no more than 30 trick-or-treaters out to my place certainly doesn’t justify clearing my schedule just to hand out candy when I could be doing other things such as grocery shopping, exercise, hockey, or pottery.

The Grand Palmer takes the fact that you posted a comment here that you want a judgement on your Hallowe’en heart.

Your point that kids wreaked havoc on your property has left a bad taste in your mouth concerning Hallowe’en.


All I can say about the 30 kids is that I grew up in a small town. 30 kids is not a disappointment. What is a disappointment to a kid is when they walk down the street and there’s just another house with the lights out that you have to walk by.

You know what? Aquariusdragon has just shown me that I really shouldn’t place judgement on whether or not someone wishes to hand out candy. It’s really their own perogative. I guess it hit me when she mentioned that she doesn’t care about it now after getting things stolen (which is totally valid).

Grand Palmer???? where did that title come from? OK enough Hallowe’en… Let’s get onto CHRISTMAS…. I want to hear how the Grand one does up Christmas this year….. U up for a little ( ok large) christmas decorating challenge? maybe a lighted trophy as a prize? hmmmmm how many other Palmerite blog readers are interested in accepting the challenge? are u Kringle or are u Scrooge? …. BRB

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