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Review: Fanboys

fanboys_image__1_I have heard rumblings of the film Fanboys for a few years now…development hell, re-shoots, cheers from geeks around the world…heck, they even had a release date on DVD which was two weeks AFTER the US got it unbeknownst to this guy who went to Future Shop looking for it.  Fast Fact: The US release coincided with the ten year anniversary of The Phantom Menace.

Fanboys is a hilarious film about a group of Star Wars fans who want to go break into Skywalker Ranch to see a rough cut of Episode I: The Phantom Menace because one of their friends is succumbing to cancer and will not make it to the premiere.  Hilarity ensues in its highest geek form and I had some great laughs throughout the entire film…the van with the Chewie horn, the battle against the Star Trek fans, great cameos from the Star Wars alma matter…it was incredible.

My favourite part definitely is when they are battling with the Star Trek fans and then the Star Wars van that they are cruising around in comes in and rescues them.  Brilliant!

I watched this with Vero the other night and seeing as she does not care for Star Wars all that much, as well as only seeing Episode IV, I was surprised that the film hit the target of both entertaining a uber-fan like myself as well as a non-fan like Vero.  Well done.

I truly, truly, truly thought this film had some great laughs and I recommend it to everyone and anyone.  In fact, I will screen it at my place in July.

I can’t end this entry without mentioning that this idea must have perculated in the minds of geeks everywhere for the past decade.  I remember waiting for Episode III to come out and I literally told Benoit and Claude that if I were to be dying, I would start a campaign to somehow see a rough cut of the film because I wouldn’t be able to die without seeing how it all ended.