
Review: The Lumineers, Mt. Joy & J.S. Ondara at Canadian Tire Center

For years Jean-Francois and Marie-Claude have been telling me to listen to The Lumineers.  I didn’t bother for a couple of albums and then when I started I told them “Why did I wait this long?!”  When we saw they were coming to town we knew we had to go see them.

JF managed to get some pretty great seats as seen in the photo above.  I arrived around 7PM, just in time to catch J.S. Ondara.  This would also be the maiden voyage of recording a concert inside an arena with my iPhone.  All in all, it turned out quite good as a keepsake of that night!  I’m really excited for the future of recording live concerts that I’ve been too.

J.S. Ondara was interesting…three string players coupled with him singing.  

not my photo

I listened to Mt. Joy a few days before and I liked what I heard.  After seeing them live they now have an instant fan.  They have some catchy tunes that vary between folk to some jamming psychedelic tunes!  Also, anyone who can segway into Gorillaz’s Clint Eastwood is worthy of praise.  Special shout out goes to the woman on the keys!

This photos demonstrates some fancy footwork I need to work on while playing guitar for an audience

The Lumineers hit the stage around 9PM and put on a great two hour show.  With three albums in their repertoire they have enough time to play all the new tunes as well as their hits.  They had some great interaction with the crowd along the way and the musicians are top notch.

The crowd at the Canadian Tire Center did not disappoint either

I think that the music of The Lumineers is better suited for a small theatre but considering the amount of fans they have, they had to transition to a larger arena stage production.

Merci pour l’invitation!

All in all, it was a great show and while I was a hurting unit getting to bed after midnight and waking up around 5am (thank you daylight savings time coupled with a kid who doesn’t sleep in yet!) I managed to survive on the power of good music from the night before.

Mt. Joy setlist:

Jenny Jenkins
Let Loose
Dirty Love
Come With Me
Julia / Ain’t No Sunshine / Clint Eastwood @Info[One of Sotiris’ cymbals fell off during Clint Eastwood]
Silver Lining

The Lumineers setlist:

Sleep on the Floor
Life in the City
Flowers in Your Hair
Dead Sea
Gun Song
Subterranean Homesick Blues [Bob Dylan]
Ho Hey
It Wasn’t Easy to Be Happy for You
Slow It Down
Jimmy Sparks
Gale Song
My Cell
Left for Denver
Leader of the Landslide
Democracy [Leonard Cohen]
Big Parade

Salt and the Sea
Stubborn Love