
Say It Like It Is

In the news today: Isaac Hayes leaves South Park due to them making fun of religions. Read here.

Well…Matt Stone has an interesting comment about how he never said anything until they made fun of Isaac Hayes religion – Scientology last season.

So there you have it folks.

Why doesn’t Mr. Hayes just say it like it is? “I want to leave the show because you made fun of MY religion.”

No one would poke fun at him for that. Now he just is a little lower in the book of Palmer.

6 replies on “Say It Like It Is”

The creators make fun of their own religions .
They make fun of Jews every episode. And had a special 2 parter released to DVD “Pasion of the Jew”.
They had a whole episode making fun of mormons (“dum de dum dum dum”, “smart sme smart smart smart”).
At least one whole episode making fun of christians (“The catholic love boat”)

The first (non aired) south park skit I saw was of Jesus fighting Santa Clause about the meaning of Christmas… Only to be saved by Brian Boytano (sp?). (“What would Brian Boytano do?”)

In the first season they have an episode of Satan fighting Jesus (and kicking Jesus’ ass)

And, I didn’t even touch on the movie…

Leaving now because they “Don’t respect religion” is ludicrist.

Yep. He should have just stuck with “I didn’t like it when they made fun of Scientology.”

Oh people are always making fun of Mormons. :o) Remember the Simpsons ep when those aliens Kodos and Kang show up at the door.

Homer: Oh no, Mormons!
Kang: Actually, we’re Quantum Presbyterians.

Too funny. Also, I saw this one movie where this poor guy wasn’t allowed to eat fast food because he was Mormon. If you are going to poke fun, the least you can do is get your facts straight. Fast food is allowed – or I’d be going straight to hell. ;o)

This guy needs to learn to have a sense of humour and be able to laugh at himself.

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