
Sierra’s 46th month

I’m wondering how kids know about certain pop culture items.  Case in point, Superman.  I have not introduced Sierra to Superman yet.  So how does she know that he runs around with a cape singing his name all the time?

There are a few times in a parents life where the feeling of unbridled pride enters your soul.  Going to the dentist with Sierra was one of those times.  Going to the dentist for a child can go a lot of different ways but she was the most patient patient there ever was!  This wasn’t just a checkup, this was a full out cleaning of the teeth appointment!  I was shocked at how much they did to her at this age!  But Sierra listened to instructions and didn’t scream or anything!  There were a few times were you could see that she was closing her eyes under those sunglasses and trying to tune out the world and we would have to repeat things like “Open your mouth wider!”  

I think what really helped was having a book about Dora going to the dentist.  She brought that book with her and showed the dentist and the assistant.  Is that the right term?  I’m not sure what that other person is called.  Anyhow, the assistant read the book with her and showed her the same things that Dora would encounter…the chair, the pick, the floss, etc.  Then when the dentist came in it was go time!  When we left and went to the front desk they were surprised she made it through all the things we had to do.  I can only imagine that some kids don’t even get past opening their mouth!

The dental clinic in Embrun is quite neat.  They have a nice toy area for the kids to play with when you come in.  Also, they take your picture in front of this giant 8 foot tall toothbrush.  This picture goes up on a wall.  Then the next time you come in that picture is with your file and you get to take it home.  

Bravo Sierra!  Very impressed with you at the dentist!

I was wondering what was all over Sierra’s feet that night in the bath!

Ski Hill Park is by far the greatest park we have never gone to for sliding!  Let’s remember that we went the year before and it was an ice bowl.  Well this time I was worried that there would be too many people on the hill because it was such a nice morning.  Lo and behold, we get there and there’s one other family on the hill.  Score!  Here is Sierra and I catching some air at the bottom of the hill.  So much snow flying in our faces!

Sierra wanted to play on the smaller hill for a bit.

We switched up some toques to see if we would like it.

What a beautiful morning to go sliding!  We left Ezra sleeping in the car at the bottom of the hill but kept checking on him.

First time bowling!  I find bowling shoes to be a weird concept.  Is it because they don’t want rubber marks all over the floor from sneakers?

This Orleans bowling lane is pretty amazing.  They had this ramp for kids so you can just let the ball roll down.  They also have bumpers along the gutters so your ball would never go into the gutter.  What an improvement compared to when I was a kid!

Horsing around while waiting for the next turn

An impromptu dance/breakdance party started up

I chose this photo solely based on Aunt Krista’s intense face!  Sierra definitely enjoyed bowling.  So much so that she didn’t want to leave and had a meltdown when we tried to.  Aye aye aye!

I’m not sure where Etienne was this day but no matter, we had Marijo join us for our walk across from Parliament.  I remember the trail being very icy.

I wouldn’t want to take a dip in that river right now!

While we don’t put up every piece of art, I would say we put up 90% of it!

COVID19 gave birth to some pretty funny things on the Internet

Maman taught Sierra how to do a somersault!

I make up little songs in the house and I was very excited to see that Sierra caught onto one of them and made it her own to help with bath time!  My original line would be something that rhymed like: “Washing your toes, washing your toes, it’s surely not your nose, we’re washing your toes.”

I have a very strong memory of this photo as this was the first weekend of the COVID19 social distancing where we shouldn’t come within two meters of anyone.  Our neighbour dropped by with a buddy and they had just got back from Mexico.  I was glad when Vero told them to stay further away from the kids when one of them wanted to help Sierra with her pail.  You can’t take chances!

Roasting marshmallows!


Maman felt that Sierra looked like Daddy after eating some chocolate.

Snacks are always the most important thing during a trek on a trail

Sierra’s attempt at taking a photo of Maman

Dance party!  There’s a funny story behind us dancing to Tutti Frutti.  Sierra was asking what her first word was, what Maman’s first word was and then finally, what Dad’s first word was.  “What was my first word as a baby?” “A-wop-bop, a-loo-bop, a-bop-bam-boom!!”  Sierra didn’t even know how to comprehend what I was saying but she burst out laughing.  We then started showing her this song and she loves dancing to it.  Her signature move is going down on all fours and lifting one leg up.  She started dancing to Pearl Jam the other day with that move as well!

How can I say no to someone wanting to wash the car?

Look at this fantastic postcard I got from Andreane!

I go on a videoconference for work for two hours and I come back to find this!!  She said she’s due in the spring.