
Spare some Change

Last night after class I was standing at the bus stop freezing my ass off. I was listening to some tunes and didn’t really catch what was going on when a gentleman was addressing the crowd. I caught the end of his speech of being from Toronto and needing money to stay at the shelter. Heck, it’s only spare change, I’ll give him some…

My only beef with this gentleman is that when he walking across the street to ask some others for change, he thanked those who passed along some cash, but then he said “And thanks to all the others.” in a sarcastic fashion.

He also continued his sarcastic comments on how he appreciated how the people who didn’t give him any money helped him out SO much this night.

<Start Palmer’s Rant right here> No one in the world has the right to demand anything. If you need help, thank those who help you and be thankful. Don’t be spiteful. I wanted to call out to him and ask for my money back because no one deserves to feel bad about a choice they’ve made. Read that again: No one deserves to feel bad about a choice THEY’VE made.<end Palmer’s Rant right here>

8 replies on “Spare some Change”

This reminds me of when Alex was asked for spare change, he said:

Beat it. I work for a living.

That is just wrong,
So he is asking for change and he feels you are obligated to provide him with some…

It is too bad he made his rude remarks after.

Working on bank street quickly made me bitter about people asking for money. Every time I stepped out the door I would be asked by a few people for money. Most of the people asking for money are there everyday.

I think the best approach is to ask the offenders for money before they ask you.

There was one amusing guy who was saying, “Spare a job” and had a handful of resumes. That was the right spirit.

Are you saying that now that you work at the old Corel building, you have a bunch of old Corel employees asking for their job back whenever you exit the building?

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