
The Four’s

Taken from Ferda, who took it from Jen who stole it from Jill. Chances are she stole it from someone else also considering our generation has no original ideas, only ideas stolen from the Internet which we sometimes try and pass as our own. But, the good people who are Ferda and Jen have at least referenced their findings. 😉

Four Jobs You’ve Had In Your Life
1. Wal-Mart Greeter
2. Forestry Herbicide Sprayer
3. Burier of bodies at the town graveyard
4. Paper boy!

Four Places You Have Lived
1. Sudbury
2. Cobalt…SCRATCH THIS! Dad reminded me of the coolest spot to live…Abitibi Canyon. Population 30? Maybe 100. Did they even have grocery stores there? I cannot remember. I was 3.
3. Kapuskasing
4. Ottawa

Four Music Artists You Can’t Hear Too Often
1. The Smashing Pumpkins
2. Mogwai
3. The Arcade Fire
4. Mike

Four Favorite Books
1. The Thrawn Trilogy
2. Lord of the Rings Trilogy (including the Hobbit and the Silmarillion)
3. Dune Series
4. The Karate Dojo

Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over
1. Legends of the Fall
2. Dazed and Confused
4. Napolean Dynamite

Four TV Shows You Love to Watch (currently)
1. Lost
2. Prison Break
3. Alias
4. Smallville

Four Places You Have Been On Vacation
1. Europe
2. Gaspe
3. Florida
4. Boston

Four Websites You Visit Daily

Four Of Your Favorite Foods
1. Steak
2. Grilled Cheese
3. Any kind of sandwich with some mustard and meat inside
4. Lemon Pie

Four Hobbies
1. Listening to Music
2. Playing guitar
3. Going to school. Heck, it takes up most of my time so it must be considered a hobby!
4. Going to the Heart & Crown

2 replies on “The Four’s”

I’m surprised that grilled cheese isn’t #1 in your fav. food category….THE PALMER PLATTER BABY!!!

Ha! That famous Palmer Plater!

I thought that just the fact that they changed the name of the regular “grilled cheese plater” to the “Palmer Plater” was pretty funny, that is untill I noticed that there is actualy a T-Shirt advirtising it also! HA! Hilarious!
B.T.W. Ryan owns it. 😉

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