
To Mod or not to Mod

As you all I know, I recently purchased a mod chip for my XBox.

After a slew of tests and other things taking me away from my priorities, I sat down yesterday to start the process of tearing apart my XBox and modifying it.

I’m thinking this w0uld take 2-3 hours of my time. I take the motherboard out and follow the instructions very carefully as I am soldering components onto the board and don’t want to screw up.

After a few hours, Mike and I ready to test the guy out. The verdict?


Don’t know what’s wrong?! Dang. Could it be a solder point?

After numerous troubleshooting sessions (read: I felt like I was back in school when I fried 7 Altera programmable logic chips) I resorted to the Internet to find the problem. Turns out that the instructions that some gracious gent wrote up forgot a key point to solder onto the motherboard. I apply the solder, plug her in and voila! IT’S ALIVE!

This was around 6:30. Essentially, my entire day was spent troubleshooting this thing. Sigh.

Anyhow, I’ve hit another minor snag where it won’t allow me update the bios with Evolution-X but at that point, I tried a few things, didn’t work and gave up for the night. I figure a fresh start (and perhaps some comments in the comments section from others who know what to do) may help me out.