
WARNING: Don’t Spoil It

If you value your friendship with me, do NOT tell me how Alias ended. I just found out the series ended last night, unbeknownst to me.

8 replies on “WARNING: Don’t Spoil It”

Hey hott stuff’s boyfriend (hot stuff = Véro), I still have to watch seasons 4 & 5. So when you watch the final episode, please do not blog about it and if you do, place a warning at the top for all of us who are still behind in the seasons. Cheers!

But of course. I don’t tend to reveal spoilers as I am not into them and I HATe it when people do it to me.

Am I allowed to tell you my general feelings towards Season 4 & 5?


Awwwww… Almost as bad as the Prison Break season ender. Doncha just hate it when you try to break out of jail and are abducted by aliens! Oups.. sorry!

Write what you want, feelings included, but just give a warning so that I don’t read it before finishing the series myself 😉

Also, you were right about the Island. Very good movie!

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