

Want to see how insane the world was years ago?

Let me put it in a nicer way…want to see how politically correct the world is NOW?

Go see the Weapons of Mass Dissemination exhibit at the Canadian War Museum. In there, you will see myriad posters from across the world which tell people what they should do during war times.

Some of the more crazier ones were the child’s games: Kill the Jap.

Unbelievable stuff really. This gallery of propaganda was interesting in the fact that they showed more violent images than you see in a Faces of Death video. I then thought about how people nowadays are worried that their kids are seeing WAY too much violence around the world, but then I think of them seeing these freakin’ posters up in their community. Yowza. Or, as the French say: “Wha-ta-ta-tow!”

I would like to see the PR people for the Governments create posters and commercials like THESE for the war against terrorism. Not some posters with penguins. (note, if I could find a picture of this, I would.)

Highly recommended exhibit. Go on a Sunday and get in for $5.

Other than that, we started on the adventure which was the rest of the War Museum and quickly gave up. We spent an hour inside the Propaganda exhibit…there’s no way we would be up for absorbing more history for the day. The museum is definitely a multi-trip adventure.

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