
Rrrrroll up the Rim and Chuck It

After all the hoopla which is Roll Up The Rim To Win and the court cases going on, I’ve made it a point to look at empty Tim Horton’s cups (alright, more specifically, send Vero off to the side of the road to check them.)

While walking on Saturday, we came across 5 empty cups in the span of 100 metres. Then I thought “Holy crap, that’s a heck of a lot of garbage just being thrown away.”

I am calling on all litterers out there! Tell me your stories of why you are so unbelievably moronic that you would just go ahead and chuck your trash on the ground instead of holding onto it for a little while until you came across a trashbin.

Litterers, you are what I like to refer to as the scum of the Earth. Literally. You’re like the Tim Horton’s cup that has decomposed in the middle of a field over 5 months. That’s right…just to the point where it’s a sloppy mess and not dried up enough to blow away in the wind.

What’s going through your mind? “Oh, didn’t win, may as well chuck it. I’m sticking it to the man for not letting me win!” Well in this case, the man is the environment, and you sir, are stupid.

Anyhow, back onto my train of thought, I was thinking that I made Vero pick up these cups to check the status of the winnings, but then we just left them there. I should start carrying around a plastic bag in the offchance that I want to send Vero rooting through garbage.

It’s the least I can do for the environment!

12 replies on “Rrrrroll up the Rim and Chuck It”

Palmer is anti litter but pro slavery?

I think this is an advanced form of propaganda
(Coincedence that Palmer just went to look at old war propaganda… I think not)
to get us to embrace litter.

I am more anti-slavery than I am anti-litter… so if Palmer is pro slavery, and anti litter.
I should choose the opposite opinions of him.

I will not fall for it I tell you!!!

I hope that the next TH cup that Vero gets is a winner and she keeps it all to herself and then tells her slave-driver of a boyfriend that she’s running off with her wonderful girlfriend (that being me)!

We want to see you say it (or at least type it!) Ryan…

If one of these cups is a winner (say.. a Jeep Cherokee or something) VĂ©ro gets it!!

What I can’t understand is how you just went off on that rant (which I support 100%) and then admitted that you left it lying there anyway. Just by virtue of picking it up and putting it back down, you are now a litterer as well. Oh Ryan.

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