
Frame This!

Saturday afternoon for 8 hours brought me into Alex’s basement to frame up some walls.

I have never done such a thing so I was anxious to learn as I will be attempting to do so with my own basement eventually.

I must say it was cool to see something come together! Duncan, Alex and I ended up having a pretty good system going after awhile and it went smoothly until the end of it all in the last hour where something went horribly awry and we had to rip out a few boards.

I must also say that Duncan has a natural talent for this sort of thing. Whereas my brain was going to mush at some points trying to figure out measurements and whatnot, he had a clear head for this sort of thing. He did work in a lumber yard for quite a few years so I’m assuming he got some of this knowlege from there. If you ever need help on construction, call Duncan over!

What’s the greatest thing in the world right now? The H0me Depot Rental Centre. Soooo convenient. Especially if you don’t own a ramset.

I’ll be managing my time wisely for the next month to help out Alex with his renovations. Between that and school, I don’t think there’ll be much time for anything else. Sorry Vero!

3 replies on “Frame This!”

I prefer the Dad Depot rental center.

Cheaper prices.

Did Alex finish the framing.

I can get my hands on a framing (compreesed air) nailer.

Makes the job go really fast.

I’ll ask him when I see him online.

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