
Gaming Recap

Hey, what’s the weekend without a few games or four?

Friday night, we played some charades which was fun. It was made up charades so the pieces of paper had some interesting things to act out. My personal fave was Duncan acting out an Imperial Star Destroyer.

Saturday night, we played Scattergories over at James and Ferda’s castle. They were having a games night which consisted of Mexican Dominoes, Mario Party, Scattergories…and I think they were ending Cranium when we walked in. We got there super late due to the work being done on Alex’s place. Not a big deal though. I got to see the people I wanted to see (aka everybody!) and Vero and I won at Scattergories. We are the champs. I can actually say that no one can beat us.
However, when talking about champs, Joelle claimed that she was the reigning Monolopy Queen which I scoffed so we set up a challenge.

Sunday afternoon brought on Monopoly where Joelle was the first one out. Granted, I didn’t do well either. I think a Joelle Vs. Palmer competition is what is needed to determine the true champ.

2 replies on “Gaming Recap”

we have a monopoly set as well. You could have started your tournament at chez pimpson.

Alas, I knew we wouldn’t have enough time seeing that we had to leave at midnight. But the thought did cross our mind! We did notice the Simpsonopoly!

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