
Mike’s Rant – No White Males Policy

Another special guest ranter…apparently I have quite a few friends who like to rant.

Read this article first on the new policy in place at PWGSC for hiring white, able-bodied males:


Then continue on with Mike’s rant here:

You know,

That is total bullshit, by attempting to stop discrimination they are only discriminating even more than before. Getting a job based solely on your ethnic background or your sex does nothing but hurt the employer. Jobs should be awarded solely on the basis of your experience and your qualifications. If I have a problem I want the best person for the job no matter of who they are or where they come from.

And there is my rant.

Such is a fact of life, I guess that I will have to get used to the idea of being discriminated against for no apparent reason. Why discrimination ever came to be I have no idea, we are all human beings who originated from the same lineage.


3 replies on “Mike’s Rant – No White Males Policy”

Coming from a visible minority group AND being a woman, I have to mention that structures and institutions in society have been set-up to reinforce attitudes towards ethnic minorities and women thus, creating inequalities. Ever hear of the glass ceiling?

PWGSC is a Federal Government department. Its goal was to increase the number of minorities in the government to be reflective of society as a whole but PWGSC failed to reach their target. If you’ll read the article closely, you will see that the employment equity (EE) measures will be in force until March 2006, at which time progress will be re-assessed.

I’m sure the minorities being hired meet core competencies and offer other perspectives and experiences. However, being part of an EE group means that if you get hired under the program or not, people always assume that you were only hired because of the way you look and not because you are qualified and bring a different perspective to the table.

I guess, if you’re part of an employment equity group, you’re damned if you do and you’re damned if you don’t.

what more do I have to add to Mel’s retort? Not much. Like she said you’re damned if you do and you’re damned if you don’t.

Like Mike I’ve been burned on by discriminatory government policies. I’ve had The ‘citizens will be given priority’ crap thrown in my face at least twice now. I’ve been offered a job and had it taken away based on the fact that I was a permenant resident and not a citizen. I’ve been rejected for the Management Trainee Program 2 years in a row for the same reason even though I qualified for it with my test scores. Such is life: unfair… what is one to do?

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