
Old Saves the New

If you were around me last weekend, you’ll know that my cell phone was on the fritz. Looks like the battery kept losing it’s connection. I brought this up to Mike and he said that if I fold a piece of paper and put it inside, it should push the battery against the connectors to maintain a connection.

Voila. Problem solved.

I find it ironic that the newest form of communication was saved by the oldest form of communication (other than vocal of course. Oh yeah, and those cave drawings.) Granted, I’m not using the paper to write down any information, but at least it came in handy for other things!

2 replies on “Old Saves the New”

I think it’s hillarious how you always see the communication’s side on things happenning to you now days(well, more then before anyways).

Proves you’re learning something in your communication classes!! 😉

The old folded piece of paper is an old high tech trick when you have poor contact.

But really are you using your new communication skills or are you learning more about technology!


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