
She’s a Superstar!

Read this previous entry here.

The other day I pass by a new poster up on the Ottawa U campus with 100 mugshots of students celebrating International Diversity Week or something like that (cleary, I did not really stop to look) and thought that there is no way Vero would have made it onto that poster considering she isn’t from another country.

I was wrong. Vero told me she found herself on another poster?

What can I say about this beautiful, photogenic person I am involved with? Should I say I feel privileged to be around such a star or should I begin to get scared that I will be left with the life where I sit at home watching the Golden Globes while she walks down the red carpet with Lenny Kravitz?

Maybe I’m looking into this too much. If you’re at Ottawa U, look for her face – now appearing EVERYWHERE.

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